Torres article posted on "The Open Mind" website
Hello my Friends, I've got some wonderful news. “The Open Mind” website posted my article “The Philosophy of Time.” I got a great email from Michele Miller an editor who wrote: “I really enjoyed your article and was intrigued by every sentence.” She seemed genuinely sincere asking me about my thoughts and beliefs. After some back and forth over a few days, I also found her to be sharp and intuitive. She suggested I elaborate further on my thoughts so I added a few sentences to the end of the article. Also the TV show “Standpoint” with a studio in London read my article “Why the New World Order Will Fail.” They asked me to be on the show in May to discuss it. Lastly I'm flattered that many sites are posting these articles. As always, I’ll keep you updated.
Remember is my author page which links to all my other pages and below are links to the articles:
The Philosophy of Time:…/…/
Why the New World Order Will Fail:…/why-the-new-world-order-will-fail/…/why-the-new-world-order-will-fail/
Labels: alien, east, encounter, extraterrestrial, haven, metaphysics, new, paranormal, philosophy, physics, robert, science, sin, thesis, torres, ufo, unexplained, weird, west, york