My Weekly Amazon Ad Surprise!
everybody I try to put out these promos at least once a day to let you know
what's going on with me. Also to let some of you know when important or fun
articles are coming out. Like my UFO story or my Gang Stalking series. My Gang
Stalking series has been on several sites and I didn't realize how many people
were aware of this stuff, but I've had around 10 thousand people read my last
article on different sites. Got some great feed back too! Some of you know that
I write about other things, like my meta-physics and science articles. But, did
you know I also write about magic, esotericism, philosophy, Religion, ethics
and morality? I get those ads from Amazon every couple days and to my surprise,
this ad came today. See it's my book "Sin Thesis" and my writing on
"Ethics and Morality."
Labels: alien, author, east, encounter, extraterrestrial, haven, metaphysics, new, paranormal, philosophy, physics, robert, science, sin, thesis, torres, ufo, west